Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Breakfast in the garden

Originally uploaded by minnasusanne on flickr., we see that an early spring may be on its way.
I was walking in the woods yesterday, and noticed that my shoes were tracking red and blue color and just as I thought that they would be interesting colors to dye something, I heard a sweet chattering above me. I looked up to witness the loveliest of fairies who had joined a family of birds for a meal. I am going to come back later to collect fallen berries to use as color for something or other. Wouldn't these colors make lovely ink! I'm making cloth collaged birds at the moment. As they do have calligraphy on each, perhaps I'll deviate from the india ink I am using and try some color. My birds are winter white with a hint of blue traced with pearl. These colors are strong but may be the beginning of a different collection! Well time for a piece of shortbread with chai. Ta!

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