Sunday, February 23, 2014

Eye Contact

dc128: eye contact

Oh Renilde how you paint!! You, the host of the drawing challenge for this week, chose a theme that gets me really excited to see what you have come up with. I can hardly wait to go visit your spot! And to see other offerings from such a great bunch of artist friends...well, this is how I happily spend my time today.

My offering is old because I am too busy lately to do anything new at all. So this is a painting/drawing really, of two souls looking at each other:

Unfinished as it is, my intent was to capture the lines of the woman's face, to mirror the lines (and colour) of the straw in the nest material. I am not sure if they are really looking at each other. It seems they are looking at all of US!

I feel I am not far off from old eyes. Hopefully my lines and wrinkles will speak of life itself. Life lived.

Thanks for popping in today. Drop by Renilde's place and see what she and everybody else is up to! Hope to see you again soon! Hugs, Norma, x


  1. Eye contact with nature is a wonderful thing. I wonder how often they peak through the reeds/branches/bushes and watch us?
    I hope things get less busy for you dear, Norma. xo Carole

  2. I agree making eye contact with animals/birds etc is always a mystery and one I enjoy over and over...
    This is a lovely interpretation Norma~ elegant and dreamy even in it's "unfinished "state :)

  3. Your painting takes me off to thinking about aging, Norma, and how grateful I am for every smile line! Also, thinking I have never consciously made eye contact with a bird! But me dog, YES!

  4. life lived. that sounds so good, soothing.
    the mystery of eying animals... one could grow delirious, sort of.
    i like the unfinished state, leaves plenty to the imagination.

  5. dear Norma, i like the unfinished state too,
    i feel the eye (the person) is looking at me and the bird is in between us.
    like the person and me are sharing trough eye contact the magic of the moment, of the beauty of that lovely bird.

    old eyes Norma!? maybe lines yes and wrinkles, we all get them growing older, but i'm sure there is a very alive and young heart looking through those eyes of yours, xx

  6. Beautiful. Even as unfinished as it is. Could stay like this, it emphazises the eyes of those creatures even more.
    Is it maybe life itself that's looking at us here? Through wrinkles and nature and all? To keep up eye contact with life, that's a message I'll take with me here, Norma...

  7. The unfinished state makes it even stronger because you focus on the important part of the painting, which I really like its strong, fragile and dynamic all at once!
    barbara bee

  8. hey, hey, norma!
    here to make 'eye contact' ... ;))))

    ... and invite you to come and play next weekend, over at mine's.
    cheerio, and enjoy this week...

  9. how can i have missed this post???

    sweet norma
    your idea of the book is still lingering in my head
    but like you i have been busy with all sort of things

    this weekend i will be the host of the dc
    and so hope you will join



Your comments make my day! Thanks for dropping by and we'll see you soon, I hope, *smiles* Norma


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