Friday, January 14, 2011

hand made dolls.

hand made dolls.
Originally uploaded by oldflowers4me
I found this photo on flickr. just now and truly cannot believe how it inspires me. This artist (on flickr. is a unique wonderful lovely inspiring artist with a vision of her own. Hats off to you my friend! You inspire me to make my own dolls and try to find my own vision.


  1. these are wonderful! I love the look of the 2 different sized buttons for eyes! also, 2 differnet colors,shapes,sizes look great. If you like slightly demented..a safety pin makes a great eye!
    thanks for sharing this reminds me why I need to start making some cloth dolls again!

  2. What a fantastic photo... isn't it wonderful to be unexpectedly inspired? This journey is always full of surprises!


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